
Friday, September 07, 2007

Toyota,Lexus,Daihutsu,Hino all set to bombard the Indian automobile market

A storm is brewing in the indian market and the toyota group is planning to bombard the Indian market with an array of products from its entire product family,this includes trucks and buses from Hino,cars,suv's/muv's,Lcv's from toyota,cheaper vehicles from its daihutsu stable and premium vehicles from the lexus stable.

Vendors say all of the above will be manufactured right here in India itself.Toyota has already begun talks with the rajasthan government for setting up a manufacturing plant for the same apart from talks about expansion of their facilities in karnataka.

If toyota comes in with its full arsenal its doubtful any automobile manufacturer would be able to compete with toyota and we are in for interesting times ahead.

Times of India.

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